

和知讯科技网 2


51job purchases new headquarters office building in Qiantan


On 22 July: 51job announced its purchase of the new headquarters office building for RMB2.07 billion. The office building located in Pudong Qiantan is part of Crystal Plaza with a total floor area of approximately 32,400 sqm and will accommodate the company's continuous growth and business expansion. 51job anticipates moving into the new premises in 2022.


GLP acquires 50.1% equity of Songjiang Internet Data Centre

7月23日:普洛斯以总价60亿从世纪华通处收购松江互联网数据中心50.1%股权,征程5芯片AI性能跑分更强,收购建筑面积为40,000平方米。松江互联网数据中心为位于上海市松江区长三角智能信息基础设施综合体项目,超越Nvidia(英伟达) Orin,该项目将成为长三角领先的人工智能超算枢纽,是国内唯一支持快速量产的整车智能计算平台芯片。征程5一经发布,预计2021年底陆续投入使用,即与上汽、长城、江淮、理想、长安、比亚迪、哪吒等多家车企达成了首发量产合作意向。点评:车载AI芯片是人工智能行业的珠穆朗玛,将承担各种规模AI算法计算、机器学、图像处理、科学计算和工程计算任务。

On 23 July: GLP acquires 50.1% equity of Songjiang Internet Data Centre from Century Huatong for RMB6 billion with the purchased gross floor area of 40,000 sqm. Songjiang Internet Data Centre located in Shanghai Songjiang District is an intelligent information infrastructure complex project in Yangtze River Delta. The project is expected to be put into use by the end of 2021 and will become the leading artificial intelligence supercomputing hub in the Yangtze River. The project will undertake various large-scale AI algorithm calculations, machine learning, image processing, scientific calculations and engineering calculation tasks.


Sino-Ocean Group acquires 70% equity of Red Star Real Estate


On 18 July: Sino-Ocean Group Holding Co., Ltd. announced that Sino-Ocean Group, Sino-Ocean Capital and Red Star Holdings have formally signed an agreement to acquire 70% equity of Red Star Real Estate for RMB4 billion. The three parties will effectively hold 35%, 35% and 30% equity of Chongqing Red Star Macalline Enterprise Development Co., Ltd. to jointly promote the subsequent development and operation of Red Star Real Estate. After completion, Chongqing Red Star Macalline Enterprise Development Co., Ltd. together with its subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates will hold 91 properties in China.


BBMG transferred a commercial building in Fengtai, Beijing


On 20 July: The -1 and 1 to 6 floors of Building 28, Qingtadongli, Fengtai District, Beijing, were listed for transfer at a reserve price of RMB107 million. The assignor is Beijing Construction Machinery Asset Management Co., Ltd., 100% holding by Beijing BBMG. The property is adjacent to the West Fourth Ring Road of Beijing. It is currently designated for office use with a total leasable area of 4,834.7 sqm.


Modern Land acquires a project in Shuikou Town, Huizhou


On 13 July: The indirect non-wholly-owned subsidiary of Modern Land, Guangzhou Yuanlv, entered into an equity transfer agreement with Xiamen Hongjiada Real Estate Co., Ltd., Huizhou Dongjinpu Trading Co., Ltd. and Dongrun Industrial. Guangzhou Yuanlv conditionally agreed to acquire 95% equity of Dongrun Industrial from Xiamen Hongjiada Real Estate Co., Ltd. and 5% equity of Dongrun Industrial from Huizhou Dongjinpu Trading Co., Ltd., with a total transaction price of RMB380 million. Dongrun Industrial holds the land use right of the land plot located in Shuikou Town, Huizhou, with a total land area of approximately 70,583.1 sqm, which is designated for commercial and residential use.


Tmall Supermarket starts using the largest robotic warehouse in Central China


On 16 July: Tmall Supermarket starts using the largest robotic warehouse in Wuhan, Central China. The project is located in Jiangxia District, Wuhan. The warehouse is 30 meters high and has a total storage capacity of more than 100,000 cbm. Through continuous technological innovation, the robot warehouse will effectively improve the efficiency of warehouse processing and logistics distribution.







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